With so many drastically different wallpaper options, Burke Décor truly presents a collection that everyone can love. These wallpapers from Burke Décor feature designs from experts in home style, such as Aimee Wilder, Ronald Redding, Sissy + Marley, Jill Malek, Carl Robinson, Candice Olson, Studio 465, Graham & Brown, Fern Living, Cavern Home, York Wallcoverings, Milton & King, BD Fine Wallcoverings, NLXL, Seabrook Wallcoverings, and more. Search Burke Décor’s collection by styles, such as traditional wallpaper, vintage-inspired wallpaper, nautical wallpaper, natural fiber wallpaper, contemporary wallpaper, cork wallpaper and more. On each product page, you’ll find a recommended pairing that will help you combine a neutral or solid wallpaper with a patterned or textured option for a perfectly designed space. Paisley wallpaper and other printed wallpapers from Burke Décor can help you finally achieve the focal wall you’ve been dreaming of. Silk wallpaper is texturally glamorous while faux-leather and lace wallpapers add unique feelings to elegant spaces. Stone wallpaper can give your room a grand, natural appeal, while faux-tile wallpaper allows you to add geometric flair without the cost of installing and maintaining tile.

This is a great way for renters to spruce up an office or home without adding holes to the wall and helps any design junkie keep up with their evolving tastes over time.īurke Décor’s collection of wallpapers features one of the largest arrays of colors, textures, and styles available.

Modern wallpaper is easy to install, won’t damage the wall beneath, and comes in an extensive range of colors, patterns, textures and more.

Wallpaper today is nothing like it was when earlier generations plastered it across everything. While some love to paint or hang art, Burke Décor knows that you can have it all with one simple step when you choose wallpaper. If there’s one thing that can transform your room in an instant, it’s a change in the wall covering.